Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Hey everyone! I think it's about time for an update!

Everything is good here, I'm just about to complete my internship and start traveling. On December 26th I leave for Perth and then I fly to Melbourne. Should be fun! I'm going to try and fit Cairns and New Zealand in towards the end of my stay here (when the weather gets better!)

Oprah is in Sydney at the moment and people are collectively losing their minds. It's crazy how much Australians love Oprah. She's been all over Sydney lately taping a few episodes of her show and the press coverage has been nuts. It's kind of fun though, make sure to catch those episodes when they air. I live right by all the places she is going to so you can get an idea of what I see everyday here :)It really is an amazing place.

I had such a great birthday last month, it was probably my favorite ever. My birthday was on a Sunday, so a bunch of friends and I went out to eat on Saturday and then out to a club on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Then on Sunday during the day we all went to the beach and had the best weather that we'd seen in weeks! Talk about lucky. A bunch of people put together their money and bought me a really nice Australia jacket, which is amazing. I've met some great people here!

Thanksgiving was great as well...I actually had two Thanksgivings! I had one a bit early in my hostel because no one had ever experienced it before and I thought it would be fun. I live with 3 chefs so that turned out quite nicely :) Then on the actual day of Thanksgiving I went to the apartment of some American friends who I've known since high school. Another chef friend made us dinner that time. I guess the moral of the story is to become friends with chefs around the holiday season ;)But seriously, it was a great time and I'm glad I had people to celebrate Thanksgiving with!

My internship has been a really great experience and it's crazy that it's been almost 3 months already. I've learned so much and I'm still shocked that I have my own office! When I come back from my trips to Perth and Melbourne, i'll need to find an actual paying job so that I can last until March. Nothing too crazy, maybe i'll be a waiter? We shall see...

I'm still at the hostel at the moment, which is okay. I've made so many friends that I'm hesitant to move to a new place with only a few people...I've gotten used to coming home from work and having 20 people sitting outside and hanging out! Maybe i'll go to a similar place next to the beach when my internship is over. Not quite sure what I'll do but I guess that's the fun of it. Who knows what I'll be doing three months from now, but I know I'll be having fun!
